Friday, September 28, 2018


Here we are at the end of another week! We can't believe it's almost thanksgiving already! This week was productive and fun, full of events and positive energy!

In grade 1:
-We spoke about fall (l'automne) and the special occasions that come up in this season.
-We learned some vocabulary and sentences to describe fall.
-We learned some vocabulary for clothes that we need in fall.

In grade 2:
-We learned some positive and good habits to keep at home.
-We learned some vocabulary for the objects that we have at home.
-We chatted a little about occupations and each student shared with the class what their parents did and why they chose those occupations.(Parents, if you have some time over the weekend, please talk about your jobs a little more with your children and help them better understand what you do at your jobs)

In  grade 5:
-We enforced the correct spelling for the months of the year.
-We worked harder on forming negative sentences.
-We worked on transforming positive sentences into negative ones.
-We started preparing some posters IN FRENCH about our international day countries!

Note: Next week will be a short week, I do not want to send any work over the long weekend, so I might be sending some work to complete at home for one or two school nights.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Here we are at the end of week 3 and end of summer too! Been a busy week with the BBQ which turned out to be a beautiful success despite the undecided Mississauga weather!

In week 3 we touched down on the following topics:

Grade 1:
-We reviewed how to present ourselves.

-We learned the colours in French.

-We learned the classroom objects vocabulary too!

Grade 2:
-We reviewed how to present ourselves.

-We reviewed the colours and how to tell what our favourite colour is!

-We learned some rules related to the school and the classroom.

-We learned to use "Il" and "Elle" (He or She) and we had fun playing a competitive game in which the Girls won in both classes! hard luck boys ;)

Grade 5:
-We worked harder on some more verbs and how to conjugate them.

-We reviewed pronouns and how to use each to replace nouns and proper nouns in sentences.

-We made our own full sentences using proper nouns and pronouns.

-We learned to form negative sentences and we had a great time today having a conversation with a partner where ALL the answers we had to make were NEGATIVE even when it came to "manger un gâteau!" (Ask the grade fivers for more info ;))

Grade 5: We are starting spelling test next week, the words will be taught in class and we will have a small revision every day as well to prepare for the test on Thursday, students will have 3 days to practice at home.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, September 13, 2018


After a fun Neophyte week, today we wrap up week 1 where things started to take a more serious turn in the French classes.
Grade 1: 

  • We learned how to present ourselves using short sentences.
  • We reviewed the numbers from 1 to 20 and learned to recognize their number words.
  • We played a fun game with the numbers.
Grade 2:
  • We learned to write the date in French.
  • We reviewed how to present ourselves.
  • We learned how to say what we like.
  • We reviewed the colours.
Grade 5:
  • We reviewed how to present ourselves.
  • We learned how to express our preferences: I like and I don't like.
  • We reviewed how to conjugate 2 very essential verbs : Etre and Avoir.
  • We learned the rule to conjugate the verbs of the 1st group : Ending with "er".
 A couple of notes for grade 5: 
  1. Starting week 3, we will have a spelling test every week or every other week depending on the students' overall workload and our classes. 
  2. When I assign French homework, it will be written in the students' agendas alongside their English homework. However, when it's just extra work for those who want, it will not appear in the agendas. (I encourage all students to complete the extra work, it usually only takes up 5 to 10 minutes and is a good extra practice of something that we'd have learned in class. However, it is not mandatory and is up to the students to decide whether or not to complete it.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bonjour à tous et bienvenus dans ma page! 
Je suis Mme Rawan et je viens juste de rejoindre St Jude's Academy; j'ai hâte de commencer l'année dans cet établissement merveilleux. Je vais enseigner la langue Française aux années préparatoires: 1ère année (Classe de Mr. Foster), 2ème année et 5ème année. 
Avant de rejoindre St. Jude's Academy, j'ai enseigné dans d'autres grands établissement surtout internationaux, au Canada et à l'étranger. J'ai travaillé avec presque tous les niveaux et groupes d'âges (niveaux classes maternelle jusqu'à âge adultes) mais je trouvais toujours plus de passion en enseignant les classes primaires, et me voilà là où j'appartiens! 
Je crois bien que la pratique nous rend à la perfection; pour cela, la langue primaire que l'on utilisera dans mes cours de français sera bien évidement le Français! Quelque soit l'unité de travail qu'on soit en train d'étudier, j'encouragerais toujours les élèves à utiliser le Français pour s'exprimer en classe, autant que possible pour chacun. 
Sur ce blog je vais poster hebdomadairement les choses qu'on va faire, les mots de dictée si applicable selon les classes et parfois des choses divers comme des annonces importantes.
Enfin, n'hésitez pas à m'écrire si jamais vous avez des questions ou avez besoin de vous renseigner sur toutes choses en relation avec nos cours de Français:

Hello and welcome to my blog page!
My name is Rawan and I've just joined St Jude's Academy; I am super excited and can't wait to kick off this academic year in this amazing school. I will be teaching French to the preparatory years: Grade 1(Mr.Foster's class). Grade 2 and Grade 5. 
Before joining St Jude's Academy, I taught in other big international schools in Canada and abroad. I worked with different levels and age groups, but teaching primary school students has always been my greatest passion, and here I am back where I belong!
I highly believe in "practice makes perfect" when it comes to learning languages. Thus, the primary language that will be spoken in my French classes will obviously be French! Regardless of the unit we'd be working on, I will always encourage the students to use French to express themselves and communicate their needs to me and to their peers. 
I will be using this blog as a platform for my weekly posts to let you all know what's been done in your children's classes over the week, as well as important announcements or changes. 
Finally, please do not hesitate to contact me about any concerns or inquiries you may have related to the French classes: