Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Important note for grade 2

Hello everyone!

I am writing today to let the Grade 2 parents know that an "interview" sheet has been sent with your children in their French orange duo tangs.
They need to interview someone (they know the instructions well and have practised in class many times) and bring it back maximum by Friday.
Please make sure that the orange duo tang is returned by Friday Nov. 30th.


Monday, November 26, 2018

Good Monday morning!

Bonjour tout le monde!

This is just a reminder that this is the last week of November so Bake sale and casual day are coming up this week!

Have a wonderful week!
Rawan :)

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Hello everyone!

Can't believe how quickly the weeks are going by! But I sure am glad they are being productive ;)

Grade 1:
- We continued learning about dinosaurs and their specific features.
-We played the guessing game again to drill the question formation and reinforce full sentence answers.
-We learned what actions are in French and how to identify actions and nouns using dinosaurs and a very fun dinosaurs game!
-We wrote about our favourite dinosaur and used actions to write what he can or cannot do.

Grade 2:
-We continued learning about migration and drilled the vocabulary and sentence structures.
-We shared stories about family members who migrated from other countries to Canada and identified some countries in French.
-We learned to write full sentences using verbs and adjectives.
-We learned the proper use of "un/une" and "le/la" and we practiced using them in fun conversations in which we also practiced speaking French.

-We continued our work on the Greek civilization and some groups have also started working on the roman civilization. 
-We learned to conjugate a new tense "l'imparfait" which is one of the most used past tenses in French and will also be very useful to write about the ancient civilizations.
-We watched a very interesting documentary in French about the wonders of the ancient greek civilization and answered some comprehension questions about it too.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend full of fun!


Friday, November 16, 2018

Happy white Friday!

Hello everyone!

I hope you're all enjoying the first heavy snow of the winter! Seems like winter HAS come!

This week was productive and exciting with the grand opening of the dome and the science fair.

In Grade 1:
-We learned more about the dinosaurs.
-We learned specific features of some dinosaurs in french.
-We learned to describe the dinosaurs using full sentences like: "Il est herbivore" and "Il marche sur 2 pattes".
-We also learned to form questions to inquire about the features of the dinosaurs through a fun guessing game!

In Grade 2:
-We continued to use adjectives and basic verbs to form full meaningful sentences.
-We defined and learned about migration "la migration".
-We used full sentences along with specific structures "pour" and "à cause de" to talk about reasons that push people to migrate and attractions that pull people to migrate to other countries (push and pull factors). 
-We learned some vocabulary related to means of transportation for migration (e.g. une bateau, une voiture, un avion).

In grade 5:
-We discussed ancient civilizations with an emphasis on the greek civilization.
-We learned to spell new words related to ancient civilizations.
-We started to learn to conjugate verbs in the past tenses (l'imparfait and passé composé). 

Wishing everyone a great cozy and warm weekend! 

Monday, November 12, 2018


I hope everyone had a great relaxing weekend! Last week was a short one and here are the main concepts we touched down on:

Grade 1:
-We learned about "Le jour du souvenir" (Remembrance day): defined what it was and why it's there.
-We learned to say a few sentences related to remembrance day.
-We learned a song: Beau Coquelicot.

Grade 2:
-We learned about le Jour du souvenir (Remembrance day).
-We learned to define it: when, why and what using full sentences.
-We described the soldiers using a variety of adjectives and the verb "Être" (to be).
-We learned to use the proper forms of adjectives and colour adjectives using the noun-adjective agreement (feminin ou masculin): Il est grand/ elle est grande. La jupe grise/ le pantaloon gris.
-We also made sentences using both verbs "Être" and "Avoir".

Grade 5:
-We reviewed "verbes pronominaux".
-We learned to conjugate verbs ending with -IR.
-We learned to write meaningful sentences using verbs and adjectives.
-We discussed the ancient civilisations and brainstormed a little about each one.

Grade 5s have a spelling test at the end of this week which will take place on Thursday not Friday because of the science fair happening on Friday.

Have a great week!

Friday, November 2, 2018


I hope you all had a spook-tacular week! This week was filled with fun-blended learning and positive vibes.

In Grade 1:
-We learned and reinforced some vocabulary related to halloween and the costumes.
-We learned to form a small sentence to present our costume.
-We reviewed numbers and did some colour coded colouring.

In Grade 2:
-We learned some halloween related vocabulary for costumes and decoration.
-We played a guessing game with the vocabulary.
-We learned to present our costume using the 2 verbs "Être" and "Avoir" (Je suis/j'ai).
-We enjoyed doing some word search to reinforce the vocabulary and the use of articles "un/une".

In Grade 5:
-We learned to present our costumes using at least 3 full sentences. 
-We reviewed how to conjugate verbs of the 1st group (ending with -er) and the irregular ones.
-We learned to conjugate reflective verbs (verbes pronominaux, i.e: s'habiller, se calmer, se lever).
-We had a halloween related questionnaire contest and the winners got some extra treats!

Wednesday was super colourful, creative and fun! We had a blast taking pictures together and making memories, here are some!