Monday, November 12, 2018


I hope everyone had a great relaxing weekend! Last week was a short one and here are the main concepts we touched down on:

Grade 1:
-We learned about "Le jour du souvenir" (Remembrance day): defined what it was and why it's there.
-We learned to say a few sentences related to remembrance day.
-We learned a song: Beau Coquelicot.

Grade 2:
-We learned about le Jour du souvenir (Remembrance day).
-We learned to define it: when, why and what using full sentences.
-We described the soldiers using a variety of adjectives and the verb "Être" (to be).
-We learned to use the proper forms of adjectives and colour adjectives using the noun-adjective agreement (feminin ou masculin): Il est grand/ elle est grande. La jupe grise/ le pantaloon gris.
-We also made sentences using both verbs "Être" and "Avoir".

Grade 5:
-We reviewed "verbes pronominaux".
-We learned to conjugate verbs ending with -IR.
-We learned to write meaningful sentences using verbs and adjectives.
-We discussed the ancient civilisations and brainstormed a little about each one.

Grade 5s have a spelling test at the end of this week which will take place on Thursday not Friday because of the science fair happening on Friday.

Have a great week!

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