Friday, November 2, 2018


I hope you all had a spook-tacular week! This week was filled with fun-blended learning and positive vibes.

In Grade 1:
-We learned and reinforced some vocabulary related to halloween and the costumes.
-We learned to form a small sentence to present our costume.
-We reviewed numbers and did some colour coded colouring.

In Grade 2:
-We learned some halloween related vocabulary for costumes and decoration.
-We played a guessing game with the vocabulary.
-We learned to present our costume using the 2 verbs "Être" and "Avoir" (Je suis/j'ai).
-We enjoyed doing some word search to reinforce the vocabulary and the use of articles "un/une".

In Grade 5:
-We learned to present our costumes using at least 3 full sentences. 
-We reviewed how to conjugate verbs of the 1st group (ending with -er) and the irregular ones.
-We learned to conjugate reflective verbs (verbes pronominaux, i.e: s'habiller, se calmer, se lever).
-We had a halloween related questionnaire contest and the winners got some extra treats!

Wednesday was super colourful, creative and fun! We had a blast taking pictures together and making memories, here are some!

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