Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dec. 19th, 2019

Ho Ho Ho everyone!

Who can believe that we're already going for the Christmas break! Time flies, lots of fun and activities took place at St. Jude's this week!

We enjoyed some Christmas and winter-related activities in all of the grades this week, some coloring, writing, and some more revisions. We also enjoyed playing hang-man and had some competition going!

For my grade 4s, I would like to suggest the following website :

It has some short stories in French that students can read if they have some time during the break. It offers an audio option as well as translation to English when needed.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas, a happy New Year and some very joyful holidays!

Mme. Rawan

Friday, December 6, 2019

Dec. 6th, 2019

Hello everyone!

Can you believe it's already December? Christmas concerts are just around the corner, excitement is building up quickly and before we know it, it's already winter break!

I was very happy to see many of you in the parent-teacher conferences and meet some of you for the first time!

During the last couple of weeks we have been working on the following:

In Grade 2:

-We have been talking about Christmas and winter: vocabulary and brainstorming.
-We have been learning the correct word order and how to make meaningful sentences.
-Students have also started to write their own sentences using the taught vocabulary and new action words: "Je mange, Je bois, Je porte, Je fais."
-We did our weekly reading.

In Grade 3:

-We have been working on our summatives for the last unit we worked on.
-The students wrote a paragraph about their daily routines and the different ways they help around at home.
-The students have started presenting their summatives as they finished them.

In Grade 4:

-We have been reviewing some very important irregular and basic verbs that students have been having hard time conjugating and using properly such as "avoir, faire, aller, devoir, être..."
-We spent a whole French period learning how to practice and study for a spelling test in order to achieve better results on the weekly spelling tests.
-We completed our spelling test and finished off the week with a small revision game.

The weather outside is frightful, stay warm, have lots of hot chocolate and a wonderful weekend!

Mme. Rawan

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nov. 15th, 2019

Hello everyone!

This week has been really busy here at St. Jude's Academy with the science fair and all the excitment!
We worked hard in class and were still able to achieve our learning goals for the week.

In Grade 2:
-We continued to learn about migration and the push and pull factors.
-We learned about word order and sentence structure through a group activity.
-We completed our weekly reading.

In Grade 3:
-We started to learn about mindfulness and good manners in french "les bonnes manières".
-We learned about different ways to greet depending on the time of the day and the situation.
-We completed our weekly reading.

In Grade 4:
-We continued to work on singular/plural.
-We learned to conjugate more irregular verbs and how to use them.
-We learned how to use adjectives correcly using the proper noun/adjective agreement. 

Note for grade 4:
Students in grade 4 will have a small revision test on Tuesday, Nov.19th. It is easy and all they need to do is review the marked concepts in their journals (marked with a "T"):
-Correct conjugation of verbs ending with "-er".
-Proper noun/adjective agreement (Je suis canadien/elle est canadienne).
-Capital cities of the canadian provinces and territories.

Have a lovely weekend!
Mme. Rawan

Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday, Nov. 1st, 2019

Hello everyone!

What a fun week it has been with casual day, bakes sales and Halloween all back to back!
We did take advantage of Halloween to learn some new vocabulary, review old one and use some new verbs and sentences.

In Grade 2:
-We learned some vocabulary related to halloween (characters, dress up items).
-We learned to present our characters and use adjectives to describe it.
-We did our weekly reading.

In Grade 3:
-We learned to conjugate and use reflective verbs ("verbes pronominaux" such as "se déguiser").
-We used the new verbs to present our characters and describe them.
-We did our weekly reading.

In Grade 4:
-We presented our projects about the provinces.
-We did some fun activities related to halloween along with some vocabulary review and reviewed how to use the negative form.
-We did our spelling test.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Mme. Rawan

Friday, October 11, 2019

Oct. 10th, 2019

Hello everyone!

It's Thanksgiving weekend, time just flew by! This week was shorter and yet just as productive as I hoped.

In Grade 2:
-We continued our sentence writing using the new vocabulary and actions that we learned previously.
-We completed our summative for this unit (choosing a job for when we grow up and tell why we chose it using the action). And practiced presenting it to a friend in class.
-We learned about Thanksgiving in French and write a few sentences to express what we are thankful for.

In Grade3:
-We learned about the clothes related to "les autochtones" and the body parts on which they were worn.
-We used the verb "porter" to make our own sentences using the vocabulary that we learned. We made sure to use different "sujets" to start the sentences to make sure we understand how to conjugate the verb and use it correctly.
-We made mind maps to think of all the things that we are thankful for and the things that we eat for Thanksgiving and from that we used different verbs and "sujets" (je, tu, il...) to write sentences related to Thanksgiving.

In Grade 4:
-We continued to learn about Canada and its symbols.
-We reviewed important grammar points from grade 2 and 3: how to change words and sentences from singular to plural and how to use the ending of a verb to choose the correct personal pronoun as a subject.
-We had a small test in class to make sure that everyone remembers those grammar points and is able to use them correctly moving forward.
-We had a small discussion about thanksgiving (l'action de grâce) and shared what each of us is thankful for.

I wish you all a great and restful long weekend and a happy Thanksgiving! 
Mme. Rawan