Friday, January 25, 2019

Aren't Fridays the best?

Hello everyone!

Busy busy busy week, as always! And this weather is certainly not making it any easier! I hope everyone's been staying warm and crossing fingers for a warmer February.

Here's what we did this week in our French classes!

In Grade 1:
-We reviewed winter vocabulary and activities.
-We learned to use the indefinite articles (un/une/des).
Then came the grade 1 market!

In Grade 2:
-We continued to practice using action words (verbs) properly conjugated in full sentences.
-We learned to write our own sentences using Sujet+verbe+complément and add adjectives to describe pictures and images.
-We Worked in groups and presented to the class our sentences.

In Grade 5:
-We started working on our digestif system posters: a diagram and a text about the digestif system.
-We reviewed the word order and how to use 2 consecutive verbs in a sentence.

Note: Don't forget to fill your re-registration packages and send them back if you wish to come back to St.jude's in September!

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Are you coming back next year ?

Dear parents,

Don't forget to fill up and send back your children's re-registration packages before it's open to the public and spots are taken up! We hope to see everyone back next year to continue their exciting learning journey at St. Jude's!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Bonne année 2019!

Hello everyone and happy new year!

I hope you all had a great winter break and pleasant holidays with your loved ones!

We are close to the end of the first full week after the break and it's definitely started to feel  a LOT more like Canadian winter now!
This has been a productive week in our French classes.

In Grade1:
-We discussed our winter breaks and learned to say what we did during the holidays using proper sentence structure and vocabulary.
-We learned some new vocabulary related to winter: clothes and activities.
-We made full sentences related to winter using some new action words and nouns.

In Grade2:
-We discussed winter: the weather, what we do, what we eat/drink, what we wear...
-We learned to use some new vocabulary words in our sentences using new verbs (faire, porter, jouer) and to conjugate the latter.
-We made complete sentences using the new verbs and nouns and started to identify the proper word order in full sentences.

In Grade5:
-We discussed our winter breaks using the past tense (passé composé).
-We learned new vocabulary words and their proper spelling, related to the new topic: the digestif system.
-We labeled the different parts and organs of the digestif system and learned how the digestif system works while playing some fun games too!

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend, stay warm and safe! 
