Friday, November 15, 2019

Nov. 15th, 2019

Hello everyone!

This week has been really busy here at St. Jude's Academy with the science fair and all the excitment!
We worked hard in class and were still able to achieve our learning goals for the week.

In Grade 2:
-We continued to learn about migration and the push and pull factors.
-We learned about word order and sentence structure through a group activity.
-We completed our weekly reading.

In Grade 3:
-We started to learn about mindfulness and good manners in french "les bonnes manières".
-We learned about different ways to greet depending on the time of the day and the situation.
-We completed our weekly reading.

In Grade 4:
-We continued to work on singular/plural.
-We learned to conjugate more irregular verbs and how to use them.
-We learned how to use adjectives correcly using the proper noun/adjective agreement. 

Note for grade 4:
Students in grade 4 will have a small revision test on Tuesday, Nov.19th. It is easy and all they need to do is review the marked concepts in their journals (marked with a "T"):
-Correct conjugation of verbs ending with "-er".
-Proper noun/adjective agreement (Je suis canadien/elle est canadienne).
-Capital cities of the canadian provinces and territories.

Have a lovely weekend!
Mme. Rawan

Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday, Nov. 1st, 2019

Hello everyone!

What a fun week it has been with casual day, bakes sales and Halloween all back to back!
We did take advantage of Halloween to learn some new vocabulary, review old one and use some new verbs and sentences.

In Grade 2:
-We learned some vocabulary related to halloween (characters, dress up items).
-We learned to present our characters and use adjectives to describe it.
-We did our weekly reading.

In Grade 3:
-We learned to conjugate and use reflective verbs ("verbes pronominaux" such as "se déguiser").
-We used the new verbs to present our characters and describe them.
-We did our weekly reading.

In Grade 4:
-We presented our projects about the provinces.
-We did some fun activities related to halloween along with some vocabulary review and reviewed how to use the negative form.
-We did our spelling test.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Mme. Rawan