Thursday, April 18, 2019

Happy Thursday!

Easter weekend is here already and it's been busy as always at St. Jude's! 
Unfortunately, we missed some French classes this week due to rehearsals and some school events but were able to catch up and complete most of the work I had planned for the week.

In Grade 1:
-We learned about Easter in French (Pâques): we learned the vocabulary and how to follow instructions to colour and decorate Easter eggs.
-We practiced identifying the action words and the nouns in sentences to understand what the instruction is telling us to do.

In Grade 2:
-We learned to express our likes and dislikes about food items "J'aime la salade"/"Je n'aime pas la salade".
-We learned to transform a positive sentence into a negative one.
-We learned to ask for the time and tell the time in French.

In Grade 5:
-We continued to read and learn about biodiversity and practice writing full sentence answers to comprehension questions.
-We practiced "passé composé" and "imparfait".
-We started to learn how to use the superlative and comparative forms to compare species. 

I hope you all have a great long weekend, plenty of quality time with your families and loved ones and some most needed rest! 

Joyeuses Pâques! 

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